Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 16 - in which we travel twenty minutes to a place five minutes from home

We just don't seem to comprehend how small Launceston is and how nowhere is far from anywhere. Today, for example, after studying the street directory, we traveled over twenty minutes to get to Plaster Perfection. I mean, it was worth the drive through all the curvy-sick-inducing roads (plus a stop at a servo when we got lost) because they manufacture the most exquisite ceiling roses. And in the end we got what we were looking for:

I'm always surprised they're so cheap. I mean $50 for something that adds so much character? What a bargain. We currently have no ceiling roses in our house for the same reason that the plaster work in the house is so excellent -- all the old plaster was ripped out and replaced sometime in the late '80s.

So then, ceiling roses carefully packed into the car, we trundle home. There's a massive green warehouse on the hillside about a kilometre away, and I say to Tony with a giggle 'hey, wouldn't it be funny if that was Bunnings?' because Bunnings is like about five minutes from our place using the link freeway.

'No way can it be Bunnings," he replied.

It was Bunnings. I laughed.

He didn't laugh because the poor thing is in agony today. It all happened last night at 8.25pm when he realised that he had not left himself enough time to finish the hall ceiling without missing the start of Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.

Now, those of you that know Tony know he could no sooner miss that show than overcook a steak. So even though we'd been painting for five hours, he belted through it, only to wake up this morning with a neck shaped like a corkscrew. I kept wondering why he wouldn't look at me when I spoke to him, then realised it was hurting him too much to turn his neck :-(
I swear, you can actually FEEL where it's out of whack. He has an appointment with the chiropractor tomorrow to adjust it. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, in an attempt to give said husband an uninterrupted afternoon nap with his sore neck (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) I went out op-shopping and struck GOLD.
Two, count them TWO first edition Georgette Heyer's of the like you seldom find in Melbourne.

We also discovered that when the weather bureau forecasts 'showers' for Launceston, it means 'freaking-downpour-that-you-can't-run-to-your-car in-without-getting-soaked'. It's been raining all day here today and all we wish is that Melbourne was getting it instead. Of course I left my car window open a crack last night and had to sit on wet seat for that twenty minute drive. Wet bum!!

Also, kitty's name is Pushka, seen here this morning jumping onto my lap for a pat while I did my morning emails. Good kitty!!


Little Fec said...

We got it today!
woke us all up and bucketed down, it's only just stopped.
Oliver and Bertie got so wet on their walk this morning - everyone had to curl up on the couch in a blankie until the shivering stopped.
(We are men. Puppymen!)

love the ceiling roses.they really do make a ceiling *g*

hope Tony un-corkscrews soon.

Matilda said...

I hope TJ is feeling better...we are thinking of you. We love and miss you.

Robyn Enlund said...

Shivering puppymen in a blankie. That is a very cute image!

And we miss you too Miss Matilda!!

Tony went to chiro last night and the unscrewing of his neck has begun. He's still very sore though.