Saturday, March 15, 2008

Day 6 - in which we faff about in a day of rest

Week 1 is almost up and we're starting to feel much more settled. Or at least as settled as you can be with none of your stuff around you.
Must say though, I'm not really missing the piles of possessions that clump around our house in Essendon like forgotten friends. There is something so liberating about having nothing but a few changes of clothes and a mattress to sleep on. No rugs to vacuum, furniture to dust, errant books to herd or ironing to pretend I'll do. I feel free.

Which makes me wonder, why is it so much easier to bring things into your house than it is to get rid of them? Why, week after week, do I trudge into my house with a never ending procession of things I don't really need? Especially when getting rid of them feels so very very good? I might be basking in the glory of this now, but when I return home, I'll be an inflatable mattress, bar fridge and oodles of tools heavier. Maybe this whole experience will help me turn it around.



Matilda said...

Dear T&R, we miss you already. One week gone, several more to go. You think I can talk PJ into coming over to do a bit of weekend reno with you?
Love & miss you.

Matilda said...

T&R, Mum is on the phone and she said the Monopoly Board House will look better later and you can enter the Mr& Mrs. Australia contest because you will be so fit!!!!
Love from Mum

Little Fec said...

E-bay that stuff baby, e-bay it!

Robyn Enlund said...

Monopoly board house -- perfect!
Does that mean I'm currently working on the Piccadilly Room? I love it.