Saturday, March 8, 2008

The House of Rubic

Hey all,

If you've landed on this page, you know that Tony & I have crazily upped sticks and taken the boat down to Tasmania to renovate our house.

We leave on Monday, for a length of time unknown but realistically two months. Really hopefully more like six weeks. Stupendously, rose-coloured glasses hopefully four weeks.

Here's a taste of what we have to deal with:
Sweden sweden sweden country where i want to be

Memories of Sweden right there in your kitchen (complete with painted tiles). Personally I'm loving the sheer cheerfulness of this little number, but unfortunately the circa 1983 beige tiles are making their way back to the surface.
You can't keep a good tile down.

More soon. We're spending tomorrow packing the car and trusty blue trailor (named Big Al) for the trip down on the boat.
Cue manic laughter....


M.J. said...

What's not to love about blue and yellow with emerging tile factor (it's just textural interest!!)

I'm looking forward to the posts but not envying you the job at this point!

Still, I'm sure it will look fabulosa when all done. Just do it quick as we will miss you here in Victoria

Tracey O'Hara said...

Good luck Robyn - looks like a bit of a job ahead of you.

I look forward to popping by and see how things are panning out from time to time.

Have fun. :o)

Little Fec said...
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Little Fec said...

Good luck R & T!
the puppymen send you kisses.

it'll be great when it's done. If I squint, I can see the ikea-goodness already.

Amy Andrews said...

Oh Robyn - can't wait for the updates.
Hope you packed your winter woolies.

Robyn Enlund said...

I hope you all keep coming and visiting! I will be very lonely otherwise.

Thanks for commenting.